Infantigo is a skin rash which occurs due to an infection. It occurs commonly on the skin of face specially around mouth. It usually affects kids of age less than 2 years. That's why this disease is also called school rash. In this skin disease, red colored blisters are formed on the surface of skin. These blisters are red in color because these are fluid or pus filled. It occurs due to an infection and infection results due to an open wound or scar. When the wound is open, streptococcus and staphylococcus bacteria invade inside body and cause infection. Redness is the main sign of an infection. Other sign and symptoms include formation of blisters in the form of colonies or we can say in the form of groups.
These blisters are fluid filled or pus filled. Whenever this fluid from blisters oozes out, it spreads around blisters all over the skin. When fluid comes in contact with skin, it causes itching. Patient cant resist itching and rub aggressively. Excessive rubbing of blisters leads to skin rash I.e. redness. So itching is the cause behind redness of skin. It is a highly contagious disease. It spreads readily. Bacterial invasion is the only cause but it can spread in many ways. Like a fly or any insect can take bacteria with them and then spread it to other people. Direct touch should be avoided because it can spread disease readily. Kids with school rash should follow some preventive measures to stop it from spreading.

Patient should avoid using excess water for cleaning face. Try to avoid harsh soaps and face wash etc. Patient should keep his things separate like towel used on blisters. Treatment of infantago rash include two types of dosage form of antibiotics I.e. pills and ointments. Antibiotic pills are the most effective way of treatment because it kills bacteria systemically. There is a 7 day course of antibiotic and patient should be consistent. Sometimes the duration of therapy is increased according to the condition of patient and severity of disease. Ointment is used on the surface of skin. Ointments is effective because it has the property of penetrating inside blisters and kills bacteria within fluids.
Other than this, some home remedies are also used frequently to reduce the rash and redness of skin. Home remedies include use of natural honey, coconut oil, tea tree oil and garlic cloves. All of the above mentioned things should be applied directly on the rash and let it absorb for about 20 to 30 min. After the specified time wash face with Luke warm water.
Patient should keep himself hydrated all the time because hydration will help in curing this disease. No other medications should be administered because those can reduce the effect of Antibiotics. All the antibiotics and home remedies have a primary function to reduce itching and redness and rash of skin. Patient usually takes 1 and a half week to recover fully from this disease.
Infantigo is also termed as infintigo, infatigo, infentigo, enfantago, infantago, infitigo, infintago, school sores.
School Sores
The term "school sores" is derived from the fact that infantigo is prevalent among school-going children due to their close contact in classrooms and playgrounds. The infection spreads easily through direct contact, leading to its association with educational institutions.
Infintigo is a misspelling of infantigo, but it is sometimes used interchangeably. Such misspellings might have occurred due to phonetic similarities or typographical errors.
Similar to infintigo, infatigo is another variant of infantigo that results from inadvertent misspellings. The presence of multiple names can sometimes lead to confusion, but they all refer to the same skin condition.
Infentigo is yet another name for infantigo, and it likely stems from regional or dialectal differences in pronunciation and spelling.
The term "enfantago" might have originated from languages where "e" is used as a prefix to indicate "in" or "on," thereby referring to a condition that affects infants. However, enfantago refers to the same condition as infantigo.
Infantago is another variation of the Infantigo, probably influenced by regional linguistic nuances or colloquial usage.
Infitigo is another term occasionally used for infantigo, potentially emerging from similar linguistic alterations.
The name "infintago" is yet another variation of the term Infintago, reflecting the diversity of regional nomenclature for the same condition.